California State University, Bakersfield's International Book Club (IBC) has moved to a new blog website. Please continue reading and discussing with us at: See you there!
If it's difficult to get hold of a paper copy of "A Dream Called Home," it may be easier to get its e-book ( Kindle ) edition. You don't have to have a Kindle reader to read it. You can read it on your computer on Kindle Cloud Reader and on your smartphone and tablet by uploading Kindle app. Amazon Kindle (US$12.99) Book information from the publisher - Simon & Schuster
"A Mighty Long Way" by Carlotta Walls LaNier has been selected as the book of the One Book Project at California State University, Bakersfield and the schools in Kern County. We are laughing the International Book Club to read this book in late October of 2022. Students in several countries, the USA, Poland, Israel, Guatemala and Argentina, will meet virtually to discuss the story and exchange their thoughts on the topics such as justice and inclusion. Keep an eye out for more information on the book and the book club in the coming months!
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